The Lobster and Mobster Tour in Boston, at the Fall Social , September, 2024
Sandy/Flints Pond Hike, Lincoln, MA October, 2024
Presidents' Letter
July, 2024

Summer 2024 Newsletter
Co-President's Message
Hello and welcome aboard! The Old Res Yacht has proved seaworthy and continues sailing to new and exciting places.
This year’s Spring Social was a wonderful tour of the Mt. Auburn Cemetery followed by lunch at Conley’s Bar and Grill. Thanks to the Spring Social committee for their making this a great event.
At the Annual Meeting at the Spring Social we elected Mary McDonald and Pat Stenger as new Vice Presidents and Joanne and Jim Poage as Secretaries. They along with Meg and Jim Weston as Presidents, Susan and Warren Wilson as Treasurers and Cris Carter as Webmaster will be the Steering Committee for the next year. We are grateful for the service of Joan Clark and Jan Undem as Vice Presidents and Jan and Bob Avallone as Secretaries for the past two years.
If you are an active member and have not paid your dues, please send them to Warren and Susan Wilson, 34 Rockville Rd. Lexington, MA 02421 ($20 per person) as soon as you can.
Also at the Spring Social, there was the opportunity to sign up to help with one of the three Social events next year. If you did not do so, please make your preference known to Meg and Jim Weston ( If you don’t make your preference known you will be assigned to a group. We may have to re-assign members to balance out the groups. You can switch with someone if you find that you cannot make the assigned group. You will see your name listed on the 'Committee Assignments' web page once we receive the names and it is updated.
ORYC has a large number of “Small Groups”. There are two new groups for you to consider: Game Night - (Susan Conway- and
Spirits (Cliff Jay - or Ellen Balmer
If you did not express an interest in these groups by signing up at the Spring Social, please contact the coordinators directly to get on their mailing list.
Continuing Small Groups - they include:
Hiking (Marilyn Claise - , Bernie Reddy -, Chris Jensen - (
Poker (Sandy Hirschorn -
Men’s Book Club Steve Stulck - )
Book Club (Mary McDonald - )
Mystery Book Club (Frank Colby - )
Sunday Women’s Club (Jan Undem -
Gourmet (Margie Lager - )
Fourth Wednesday Chinese Lunch (Wim Nijenberg )
Wine Tasting (Karen and Steve Stulck - /, Pat Romeo-Gilbert -, Margie and Dave Lager - /, Bev and Frank Colby - /,)
Explore Boston (Pat Romeo-Gilbert -
Please see the specific web page for more information on each group and you can contact one of the coordinators directly to get on the group’s mailing list. There is also interest in having a “Lazy Gourmet” group again. Let Meg and Jim Weston know if you are willing to assist in re-activating this group.
Cris Carter updates the website with the latest information on our activities. Pages will be updated for this coming 24/25 year as information is generated. We appreciate her work to keep our website current and informative.
We look forward to seeing you soon at an ORYC event.
Meg and Jim Weston Co-Presidents /