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Gourmet - 24/25

Are you ready to run with the Olympic torch from one Olympic city to the next? Have you been practicing non-stop so that you will earn an Olympic Medal in your sport, whether it be gymnastics (now don’t laugh as we all fall of the bar) or in ping pong as you slam that ball over the net for the Silver - or making the big splash - or rather a small splash - from the high dive to win bronze - of course the ORYC contest may be simply reaching the highest step on the high dive!!!! All are in reach!    

Well, that is if we are reaching for the wonderful food of the particular host city!!! Everyone wins on our trip to gold, silver or bronze as we taste foods from a variety of Olympic cities. !!!!! You may have guessed it by now: The theme for our 2024-2025 gourmet sojourn is 'Visiting Olympic Host Cities Over Years.

After the gourmet committee determines a theme for the year, menus are decided, and menus for the dinner are emailed and you can decide whether or not you will attend. Everyone prepares one or two dishes and together we have a feast! Dinner expenses are divided up per person.

To join the fun, send $10 dues (per person) payable to Joan Clark at 32 Baskin Rd. This will allow you to preview each of the 6 gourmet menus as they come out, decide whether you will join in the preparation and feast, and also receive the recipes (whether or not you attend). Participants are expected to host over the course of a year or two. Join now to receive any further correspondence from gourmet.

For a look at past years' menus, visit our gourmet menu archives.

                                                            gourmet archives

For a look at the gourmet rules, visit gourmet rules.

arrowInterested in joining or have questions? Call / email Margie Lager 781-789-8402 or margielager3@gmail.com


Previous gourmets



Gourmet picnic 2016

downton abbey gourmet
A delicious gourmet dinner with the Downton Abbey theme was held on January 23, 2016.


May 2011

Gourmet  Dates for  '24/'25:

October 5, 2024  flyer
November 16 flyer
Jan 25, 2025 flyer        
March  15 flyer
May 3
e 21      

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