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Wine Tasting 2024 - 2025

Please join us for a convivial evening of good company and wine tasting. We work with a local wine expert to select the wines, and we include written information about the wines selected. Cheese and crackers or other appropriate pairings served with the wine. Coffee and dessert is served at evening’s end. No cooking is involved.

Think about hosting this event. Wines will be selected and purchased by the organizers (the Stulcks and the Gilberts), based on a theme. We even provide the glasses. All the hosts need do is provide a place for us to meet.

We try to keep the cost reasonable and have the evening as relaxed and fun as possible. We’ll even sprinkle in some “educational” materials along the way. Estimated cost is about $20 per person.

Stay healthy; drink more wine!


Wine Tasting  Dates for 2024 / 2025
January 4, at Pat Stenger's    flyer
Theme: “Eclectic Selection of Reds and Whites”








October 21, 2017 ~ Exploring the wines of Italy

May 4, 2018 - Wines featured in books and movies

October 20, 2018 - 'Go To' Wines

May 3, 2019 - South African Wine

Sat,, Nov 16, 2019 - Single varietal of white and a single of red, across states, countries, locations.

September 12, 2022,“The Best Red Wines to Try This Fall”




Newsletter #1 ~ November 1, 2010 (click here)
Newsletter #2 ~ January 1, 2011 (click here)

Newsletter #3 ~ Sept/Oct, 2011 (click here)

Newsletter #4 ~ January 1, 2012 (click here)

















Pictures from past wine-tastings



May, 2015


Our second wine tasting in 2012 was at the home of Karen and Steve Stulck and we tried wines from Spain.

at Stulcks


Our first wine tasting of 2012 was a winery tour and wine tasting at the Turtle Creek Winery in Lincoln. Kip Kumler, owns and operates this winery and vineyard on his home property in Lincoln. Everyone had a great time.




Wine Tasting Co-Chairs Frank and Bev Colby, Steve and Karen Stulck

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